Daler Rowney Georgian Oil Bristle Hairs Flat Paint Brushes In Long Handle

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Rs 1,225.00 - Rs 2,595.00 /Piece
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Note: These brushes have haram animal hairs so do not write Quranic verses or make its tip from the mouth. 

These recently re-engineered Georgian Oil Brushes feature extra-fine quality Chungking bristles, with a high percentage of natural flags for maximum color holding and smooth flexible strokes.

They are handmade using traditional interlocked construction for durability and control.

This brush range offers the best selection of brushes in the market for fine-art students and artists at the most competitive price.

Traditionally limited to Artists’ quality brushes, high-quality natural hairs have been added to this Daler Rowney flagship range to offer experienced artists the ultimate experience.

Holds more color due to its extra bristle length and gives a longer stroke. Good for glazing.

Made In the USA.

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